Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Best Shoes For Step Aerobics 2010

Thoughts after sailing weekend ... A cute little picture

I Had All the thoughts and I still have, after a perfect weekend of the trough sailign mediterran sea, can be collapsed into this perfect passage, written by a guru of the sail-literature:
"The geography of the sailor is not always the one of the cartographer, for whom a cape is a cape with its longitude and latitude. For the sailor, a great cape is both very simple and extremely complex, with rocks, currents, furling seas, beautiful oceans, good winds and gusts, moments of happiness and of fright, fatigue, dreams, aching hands, an empty stomach, marvelous minutes and sometimes suffering. A great cape, for us, cannot be translated only into a latitude and a longitude. A great cape has a soul, with shadows and colors, very soft, very violent. A soul as smooth as that of a child, as hard as that of a criminal." (From "The Long Way" - Bernard Montessieur)

Am I too paranoic?..probably uh?

surfing the web I've also found this passage of the same author:

‎"I am a citizen of the most beautiful nation on earth. A nation whose laws are harsh yet simple, a nation that never cheats, which is immense and without borders, where life is lived in the present. In this limitless nation, this nation of wind, light, and peace, there is no other ruler besides the sea."

Feel the power of these simple words, imagine a great adventure trying to manage and dominate the nature: Look at the elements fighting each other and you, seated at the first row.......Enjoy.

This is the video of the perfect weekend!!



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