Hummm, describe what happened yesterday is not easy and only those who were there and lived with us all day long remembered.
It was not easy.
Sergin, Sergio, Jack, Fabio Arc., Stones have moved an impressive amount of material to make room for the truck with a crane to Pierre, then they all take down the site.
Marco, Flavio Alessio and have installed 4 L 12mm of steel bolted to the frames to allow the harness.
At 11:30 we were ready "at the start."
After a dozen attempts we have found the right balance of the hull, and finally we got up from the base. The crane could support the weight (about 20 pounds).
With a quick look, we realized that the space was not enough to turn the boat and we had to tear down the base of iron.
created the space we gave up two tops and Louis began to raise the hull, but unfortunately we had a briefing with many brain side proved wrong and the crane faltered slightly, there is indeed a point of no return where there is a sharp swinging at the exact moment that the hull comes off the ground.
Luigi velocemento meso and down all the drama started, we were all worried and disheartened, Louis began to say that we could not bear to do, we decided to stop for a moment to rest and eat. Rich
meanwhile avveva the fire and cooked a pig.
We finished dinner at 14:30.
Sitting at the table we reason better and we decided to try the other side.
If others do it there must be a solution.
has made a decisive intervention of Daniel, the Romanian friend who runs the parcels of land.
gave us the long, strong ropes, and we started again. With two ropes we tied the boat from the oppoasta and is set by 2 cars to avoid "slap" at the time of the brow.
..... the two cars that were leaving 4 people to pull and ..... TURN.
Uauuuu than joy.
We had only a few minutes to enjoy and to make "wolking on the boat" and recite the phrases of ritual "is a small step for man one giant step ....."
Placed the base and adapted, we finally located the hull.
The hull is almost perfectly level in both horizontal in longitude. This week they set it right.
At 20:00, after Andrea had just arrived and he checked all the nuts strinto base, we put the word end.
At 20:01 it began to rain.
A heartfelt thanks to all: Anna (the reporter), Andrea, Sergin, Sergio, Gianni, Flavio, Richard, Fabio Arc., Fabio Fale, Sassi, parents and various aunts and uncles, Daniel.
A special thanks to this man here.
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