Friday, March 7, 2008

I Lost My Corel Paint Shop Pro

OLD MAN YOU RECENT vaguely ...

Untitled (Old Man you vaguely past ...)

Old man you past vaguely
on a sunny shore,
or worker
only among the people.

haunts me and torment your face, so hard
thick, icy

I want to do a portrait, eye

a crazy range!

will live forever or stationmaster.
will live for me,
unaware of the future.
And you'll see,
or only among the people,

in black canvas, in white

of torpor,

come out your face,
icy, or

Marco Agus Josto
(from his diary in December '95 - nov. '99)

How Long Is A Box Of Cigars Good For

TODAY IN THE HEART HO ... sad omen

(Today I have the heart sad omens ...)

Today I have sad omens in the heart
bare trees and snow-covered garden paths
bathed in human tears.

echo the shimmering sun
branches torn and dying
dark brown cover and the way
that winds through narrow streets and hills.

flying creatures drown the sky
coarse crows alight satiated on
branches exhausted and eternal ruin
announcing once again imminent

Today in the heart that I have vague omens
strip the soul of lewd jokes

remain the only snow oblivion
black and tomorrow hanging on my sore
be guilty vivente_

November '98

Marco Josto Agus
(from his diary in November '95 December '99, annotated with the number 42)

Dragon Ball Z Angla Gets A Wegie


Untitled (LIGHT Deceit, CHANGING ...)

Light deceptive
haunting, nagging
so oblivious to the lonely,
powerful discovery
you shine, with a sensual motion

on flowers drooping,
waiting with open lips

your blow, that
mutandoli in corolla
breaks them, dismember them
them fades.
Different colors ever seen,
modern, full-bodied, chrome
sculptures, reliefs
of life, flowers
new light, as long as

until the job does not require its pledge
I live for them,
lumps blood pesto, but tangible signs

a safe life, decided
powerful and lonely.
while it lasts.

Marco Agus Josto
(From his diary in December '95 November '99)

Banks Non Warrantable Loans

full-bodied red, expensive ...

Untitled (full-bodied red, expensive ...)

Red-bodied, expensive,
never mixed,
you clash with succumbing
green foliage
flower waste
gifts from friends,
cut stems,
water corroded, rotten
heat of the sun, orange
husband of blue,
love hate
complementary resolutore
of defenseless dismal
cuts space of dead branches, broken

carefully prepared under a sky of blue thistles.

the light blue background,
compact, homogeneous

by enclosing a single layer of the composition
sun symbol of life,
seal of hope,
death is near,
behind the room!

Marco Agus Josto
(from his diary in December '95 November '99 annotated with the number "8")

What Does C/d Mean In Shoe Sizes

false religiosity '

- false religiosity '- The Fires

clash over lawns
religious echoes, dormant, silenced or
never really heard.

all rush to the call
festive, no one cares

ivory skeleton that supports the things
wine stalls and Crocchi
drunk and dancing, but where are the candles

(s) where are the saints?

marco Josto agus
(from his diary in November '95 December '99, as indicated by the author with the number "20")